We are Jagged Horizons an incentive travel agency. We take clients on incredible corporate incentive trips to magical event locations across Europe.

Within Europe’s borders lies just about every incentive trip treasure imaginable.

From the frigid wilderness of the Arctic north to the year-round beaches of the far south, the vineyards of the west to the energy of the reborn Baltic in the east – opportunities for extraordinary incentive travel events are boundless.

Some countries just lend themselves to incentive travel.

Italy delivers remarkable incentive events amongst film-set backdrops, Spain offers food from the top table, Portugal is an adventure playground under an eternal sun, whilst Norway is an absolute shock to the senses.

Some of the best incentive travel destinations:


What better way to recognise team members and partners than with an incentive trip to Italy.

The weather, dining, venues and overall Dolce Vita make for an intoxicating mix.

Incentive travel to Italy can include exclusive villas on the stunning northern lakes, UNESCO culture in the otherworldly Venice lagoon, sailing the emerald waters of the Adriatic or playing on the island sands of Sardinia.

Incentive trips to Italy
Man and woman standing on a yacht in a lake harbour


Spain is so much more than the Mediterranean coast, offering a stunning range of incentive travel options.

It offers a magically diverse terrain, wonderful culture and jaw-dropping venues.

The food is regional, resurgent and truly special, whilst the vibrant cities contrast with the timeless interior towns. On the water or mountains, or in the cities, Spain with its fantastic weather is an incentive travel powerhouse.

Incentive trips to Spain
View over the skyline of Seville


Norway offers incentive travel options that aren’t replicated anywhere else.

Whether a city, coastal or arctic incentive event – Norway offers inspiring options, of unimaginable quality.

Where else can an incentive trip include the Northern Lights, rib boating on the world’s strongest tidal flows, swimming with salmon, dining on private islands, or culture hopping in Olso – the city of Nobel Peace and Edvard Munch?

Incentive trips to Norway
View over the Lofoten islands


Portugal offers an incentive travel escape to a part of Europe, largely unspoilt by development.

Dominated by mountains and a wild Atlantic coast, Portugal is a country of great contrasts.

Broadly split into 3 – the Algarve, Lisbon and Porto regions, incentive event programmes in Portugal can include vibrant and cultural city experiences, action on the rivers and ocean, as well wonderful, regional wines and cuisine.

Incentive trips to Portugal
View over the Atlantic coast of Troia, Portugal

Organise your corporate event with us.

Email or call us on +44 (0) 20 8123 7817.

Please provide a little information, and we can begin to develop some initial ideas for you.

Further incentive travel countries

Europe is wildly rich in terms of incentive travel destinations. Despite its familiarity to much of the world, France can still offer wonderful, undiscovered gems. Paris gets the headlines, but Bordeaux is a true gem on the west coast.

The Netherlands is a country whose people know how to live. Cutting-edge cities, quaint towns and coastal resorts & islands in the north. Superb transport links this small nation.

Austria is synonymous with skiing, yet before and after the snow, Austria offers superb incentive travel programmes. Jaw-dropping scenery, vibrant cities and incredible things to do.

London dominates the UK but look a little beyond and fascinating towns and cities dot the green interior. Coastal UK offers a truly spectacular coastline and a range of pulsating events. The food is also on the rise!

Belgium incentives include dining and world-beating beer. The country offers wonderful contrasts with historic charm and cutting-edge architecture. The northern beaches are playgrounds for incentive events.

Germany is a nation of Baltic resorts, vibrant cities and towering peaks. Food and beer are regional and delightful, whilst incentive event activities are diverse and stimulating. Germans know how to live.

The Czech Republic has long been pivoting away from its partying reputation. Steeped in history, Prague offers some wonderful event venues, as well as pretty decent nightlife!

Denmark offers Nordic allure in spades. With a backdrop approaching perfection, incentive events offer unrivalled venues, fantastic activities and a dose of hygge that attendees will never forget.


What is in an incentive trip?

We tailor incentive event programmes to meet the client’s budget, as well as their corporate objectives. No two incentive events are alike.

A common theme though is taking the participants out of their everyday routines, through the most memorable hotels, dining & entertainment.

Often, some of the most memorable components of an incentive trip, activities can be team-structured, such as sailing regattas, or group-structured such as a live event or festival.

Rewarding staff & partners

Incentive travel events represent the pinnacle of recognition, where staff, teams or partners are singled out for very special appreciation.

Incentive trips serve as a source of great motivation to achieve goals and recognise achievement in truly extraordinary locations.

Our incentive trip programmes are the talk of the corporation, before and after the event, benchmarking where many individuals want to be positioned going forward.

Incentive travel ideas

There are a few key elements for an incentive trip that are certain to deliver reward and recognition for staff, clients and partners.

Locations should be those of film sets. Where hotel rooms look onto iconic skylines, squares or waterfronts.

Hotels should be superb but also unfamiliar. Business travel takes most of the surprise out of the equation, so accommodation should be boutique, unique and unexpected.

Our world becomes more homogenous by the hour, yet taking clients to the birthplace of a culinary experience adds a real sheen. Think paella in Valencia, Pizza in Naples or fondue in Chamonix. A table with a view doesn’t hurt either, like enjoying a risotto on the water’s edge of Como.

A fine Bordeaux is special during a London dinner, but it is so much more when enjoyed on an estate in Saint-Emilion.

Incentive trip activities should take guests to another world. Sailing regattas on Lisbon waters, classic car rallies around the Italian lakes, coasteering off the Mallorcan coast – activities should be the talk of the office and become memories for a lifetime.