Company offsite events deliver business objectives & enhance team cohesion. Our offsite events take place in inspiring locations, with group activities & dinners, meetings in unique venues and opportunities to mix socially.

Focusing minds offsite

Offsite events cross into the territory of both incentive travel and meeting events. Part fun, part business, the company offsite is tasked with delivering business objectives as well as boosting team dynamic. The combined schedule of work & play can really deliver results.

The concept is to get onsite minds offsite, to get them invigorated. Break with daily familiarity, to problem-solve and build teams in an offsite location. The results can be starling – teams gel and intractable problems are solved offsite.

Where to offsite

To elevate minds, some offsites head to the mountains. Rarified, frigid air, dramatic vistas and often the option for time on the snow deliver shared experiences and challenges. Corporate ski trips with a meeting element are highly effective events.

The backdrop doesn’t need to be sheer granite. Innovative cityscapes with remarkable meeting venues, historic Venetian halls, rooms with views over French vineyards – all make the break with the onsite routine.

Organise your corporate event with us.

Email or call us on +44 (0) 20 8123 7817.

Please provide a little information, and we can begin to develop some initial ideas for you.